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WEEK 9 - The Dreaded Double


Misty Slopes

Final 3! In your last week before the collection finale, you will be dealing with TWO separate tasks. At panel, your separate scores will be added. The designer with the lowest combined score will be eliminated in 3rd place. Each task is just as important as the other.

Task #1: For your first task of Week 9, you will be having a photoshoot against a pier of rocks. This is an editorial couture photoshoot. You must design an elegant, flowy Avant Garde gown that has a lot of length and loose fabrics. Also try to work with a colour palette that is unique and will help you stand out (in other words, avoid cliches like "all black"). This task is very vague and is open for interpretation. It's the final 3, I want to see you at your creative best.

Task #2 is the Rewind Task. This has been a staple in Snawlterm since Season 3. For this task, you each will be assigned a previous task in this competition where I personally feel like you could've done a lot better than you did. This is your chance to redeem yourself and succeed in an area where you once didn't. All of the same rules from the original week apply to the task you receive. Here they are:

Harri - you will be redoing Week 4's task, and I want you to use the same video as inspiration. Originally, you failed to convey any sort of Zef gangster vibe, or promiscuity, because you were caught up with heavy accessories that swallowed your canvas. Try to not restrict yourself so tight this time.

Kaytie - It may make sense to make you redo Week 3 because it was your weakest performance, however, minimalism is too easy and simply wouldn't be fair. So I'm going to make you redo Week 7, the desert photoshoot. The sole reason why you landed bottom 2 is because you went very soft on the part where I asked you to go wild and overlayer your outfit. Your original submission was good, but I want to see something completely different from you, and less out of your comfort zone. Do not re-create that outfit, go beyond it. I know you can achieve this.

Daryl - You're going to hate me for this, but you're redoing Week 5, and you must again use the Foliage Hammer.

I want something more organic and enticing, and less 4 Elements. Just like on Week 5, you are allowed to change your skin/face/hair as you are creating a concept art for a video game character. I recommend you to look at the outfits that scored well that week (mainly Kaytie, Brian, & Zechariah) and understand that you don't have to dress AS the weapon or the set, but rather, a character that complements them while standing out in their own right.


Hello final 3, and welcome to your 9th panel! First & foremost, congratulations to the three of you (as well as Zechariah) for being cast in the upcoming Oobieterm! I look forward to squaring off against all of you. If any of you outlast me, I'll chalk it up to me being a phenomenal mentor.

Back to this game: This has undoubtedly been the hardest elimination decision of Season 6. The conclusion wasn't an easy one to come to. However, I've made my decision. All 3 of you are beyond fantastic designers, and none of you should walk away from this competition feeling defeated or ashamed.

As I said in the briefing, this week's elimination will be decided by the average score between the two outfits you've submitted. Both of these tasks are weighted the same. Due to the seriousness of this final pre-finale task, I consolidated with Arber & Fiona to get their opinions and make sure I was about to make the right decision, and the three of us reached a unanimous decision. I am terribly sorry to the eliminated designer of this week. As for the two survivors of Week 9 - you're on your way to the finale! With all that said, let's judge some outfits!

Week 9; Task A - Avant Garde Gown Photoshoot



SNAWL: This is a very straight-forward and enticing outfit. Your decision to pose backwards was necessary as it helped convey the fluidity of the burgundy lines. Admittedly I've never been a humongous fan of that toga because of how bulky it is, and how it usually just swallows up any outfit it is involved in. However, you did a rather splendid job at working around the toga and highlighting its features. For instance, the shirt glitch on the upper left sleeve is really creative. The gigantic red train below- albeit not the first time I've seen it- is executed nicely. I really like how you left the middle gold trim to sing on its own and didn't disrupt it. All-in-all this outfit comes together as very couture and Avant Garde. I'm not sure how I feel about the head accessories; posing backwards with head accessories is an untapped reservoir of potential that a lot of designers ignore or gloss over, and I would've liked it if you had more creative presence in that area. But besides that, you did a pretty great job on this first task. Good start, Daryl.



SNAWL: There is a lot I want to say about this outfit, so let me start with the good things: I love the blue scarf/hair improvised accessory, that was quite innovative and a smart use of the side pose. I also really love how you left the bottom dress completely blank and white with no obstructing details. Sometimes the best Avant Garde outfits feature simple, more untouched canvases. I also like your shoes a lot. Now for the flaws: The moustache mask was a bold idea, but it doesn't work for me at all. And like Daryl, I think you really let the realm of head accessories go unnoticed and underutilized. Also, with the exception of the aforementioned scarf/hair trick, there really isn't anything riveting or unique about this outfit that justifies a sideways pose. This is a mistake I thought this cast left behind in Week 4, but here you are, doing it in the final 3. This outfit was a bold risk, but the creativity was lacking in certain areas. It's still a decent outfit, but I just expect more at this stage in the game.



SNAWL: This outfit has me wanting more from you, if I'm completely honest. I love your use of reds, especially on the bottom half with that fluffy gown and belt. Very lush, even though that's a combination I've seen countless times. What I'm not a fan of, is the use of the bear paws and how unsuccessful they are with tying into the cape. It would've helped if you used a shirt (or icon) that incorporated more texture in the collar region to make the execution more fluid and less separated. It also would've helped if the cape and paws were the same shade of blue. On the brighter side: I do appreciate you using a "normal" pose for this photoshoot. I also really like how you left your head blank, and conveyed Avant Garde through the messy, sporadic placements of colour. A lot of people think Avant Garde means "throw on a bunch of dumb accessories!" but you avoided that trap, so well done. But much like Harri, I feel like your entire creative execution just wasn't enough. The quality of this outfit is closer to shortterm tier than it is to final 3 in Snawlterm. 

Week 9; Task B - The Rewind Task



(Arber is on vacation, so he'll edit your photo when he comes back. Until then, you can just chill with a glass of water in your hand)

SNAWL: This is a definite improvement from your original Week 5 submission! The concept is a bit far-fetched and nonsensical, but that's okay because this was a task that allowed you to let loose and be crazy. The undisputed best part of this outfit is the chest region because you have so many beautiful colours meshing together so well. That shirt is new, but this is easily the best use of it I've seen so far. The reds, the splashes of gold, the dash of purple, oh my! There is a very small detail on this outfit that I absolutely love, and it's the way the little bit of purple on the ascot seems to trail back onto the cape, and gives the illusion that they're a joined piece. I just love that! The bottom half is plain, but one can argue that it's a good thing because it maintains textural balance. The biggest issue I have with this submission is that you used pretty much the same colour palette as the Avant Garde outfit above. It would've been nicer if you gave yourself more range this week.

Is this outfit better than your original submission?: Definitely! This would probably be top 3 had you handed it in back then. I think you did so well because you finally understand the task and realize there were nowhere near as many restrictions as you thought there were.



SNAWL: Harri... Congratulations on scoring the first 100% perfect score for Season 6! Not only is this the best outfit of the season, but it could be the best Rewind Task outfit ever, and I've done this for four seasons! I admit I'm a little annoyed that both of your outfits for this week feature abnormal poses, but screw it, this is beyond phenomenal. Your practical use of the blue overalls and loose, promiscuous fabrics totally nail the aesthetic of the video. Keeping the colours minimal serves to augment the textures and draw more attention to them. And just like Week 7, you are using motion to warp the presentation of certain fabrics. The white heels sound like a weird idea on paper, but I am strangely drawn to them. I am LIVING for you using an orange beard to extend the puffiness of the scarf. We were all floored by you this week, and we'd give you a standing ovation if we could. A++ Harri!

Is this outfit better than your original submission?: Pfft, are you kidding? You would've won the round and cemented yourself as a top player had you submitted this on Week 4. But hey, it's better late than never, right? No joke, if Alex didn't piss me off with being late, you probably would've went home that week. So the next time you see him, thank him.



SNAWL: Your second attempt at this task features a more pragmatic approach to the whole "overlayering" aspect you skipped on your original attempt. I like it! Your splash of colour is quite captivating, and I enjoy that you are playing on an already-established colourful accessory. The addition of purple and yellow is crafty and well balanced. However, I'm not a fan of how you achieved the layering. I know this really isn't 100% your fault, but I've seen that oversized scarf paired with that smaller scarf so, so, so, so, sooooo many times. It's such an overused, played-out concept, and it just induces a yawn from me at this point. Credit where it's due, I love how you toned it with two separate browns. I also enjoy the smooth, simple bottom half. But seriously, I really wish you tried harder with the layering. I wish you mucked around in the wardrobe and came up with a more inventive, original silhouette for that. This just looks a little too safe for my liking.

Is this outfit better than your original submission?: Yes it is, but not by a lot. Frankly, this would probably still receive 4th if you submitted it on Week 7. I just think the other top 3 were more original and creative with their layering. However, you have a gorgeous colour palette.

Castle by the Lake

Week 9 is a wrap, and we've arrived at our final 2! I am beyond excited to see what the two of you bring to your collections in the upcoming task. You both have such unique, opposing styles. This is really going to be a showdown to remember. I'm stoked!

Harri, congratulations on winning your third task, and being the first finalist to advance. Your Avant Garde outfit was a bit underwhelming, but the perfect 100% score from your Rewind outfit was more than enough to put you at the top and propel you into the finale. Daryl, your creativity was on full display this week, and once again, you continue to prove that age and experience can be compensated for. Well done to both of you! The designer leaving us in 3rd place is Kaytie. As you know, it's time to say goodbye:

Kaytie... I regret a lot of things I've done in these 6 seasons of Project Runway. However, one of my biggest regrets is not casting you for Season 5. Because if you designed like this in Season 5, you very well could have won (or have had a large chance of winning). The competition in this season was ferocious, and spared no mercy. You did a fantastic job at not only surviving, but dominating this season. Even before the game started, people were pegging you as a front-runner, and you did not disappoint.

You are a naturally talented designer. However, natural talent can be defeated by non-naturals who try with all their might. And that's what Harri & Daryl did this week. Both of them are beyond phenomenal designers, and you shouldn't be ashamed by losing to them. I know I sure wouldn't.

Unfortunately I must collect your black jacket and send you packing. Thank you so much for giving Snawlterm a second chance. You exemplify the type of talent I enjoy showcasing and giving a platform to. I hope you bring a fire to Oobieterm, and kick all 3 of our asses. I know you have it in you.

Farewell, cow.

"I'm doing double eliminations to speed this fucking game up, and then I'm never hosting one ever again." - Snawl, Season 2

"This is definitely going to be the final SnawlTerm."

- Snawl, Season 3

"I want to quit while I'm ahead, ergo, this is my last season." - Snawl, Season 4

"I swear to fucking God I'm not hosting any more of these." - Snawl, Season 5

It looks like I don't learn from my mistakes.

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