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WEEK 8 - Go Soak Yourself


Hello final 4! Words cannot express how proud I am of each of you. This is a tight race, and you've each proven yourselves to be competent designers on several occasions. I honestly have no idea who will take this game.

Right now, you each have a 1/4 chance of becoming a Snawlterm champion, and 300 coins richer!

As for the task: Seeing as all 4 of you are frequent RPDR players, I'm sure you are all familiar with tasks involving item stripping/removing. There's a RPDR name for it but I don't play that shit so I forget. Anyway, for your next task, you will be designing two separate versions of one bathing suit. One version is the bathing suit itself, another version will be the bathing suit featuring a large coat, as well as additional accessories. Both of these outfits will be superimposed on top of each other as a GIF, playing back & fourth, to give the illusion that the jacket & accessories are being removed.

Pants are NOT allowed for this task, nor are any backwards/sideways posing. Only front-on, or normal angles are allowed this week.

The "heavy" version of the bathing suit must feature a large coat. Additional accessories are also allowed, but they must be above the waist.

When you remove the coat & other accessories, you are allowed to dress the bathing suit with additional textures not visible with the coat on.

Please keep in mind that this is the Final 4. A generic, common bathing suit layout that we've seen a dozen times will get you eliminated. Try to be innovative.

Both parts of the outfit will be judged and weighted equally at panel. Do not neglect one half in favour of the other!

I know I'm probably doing an awful job at explaining this task. Feel free to ask me for help if you have questions. The due date for this task is Monday, the 9th. Good luck, final 4! p.s. I got lazy and forgot to make your set, that's why there's no example photo.


Greetings, final 4. Welcome to your 8th panel. I am nonplussed at how quick & smoothly this season is going by (thanks, quitters!) and I am met with both relief and trepidation as we hone in closer to the end. We're at the point in the competition where all four of you are extraordinarily talented designers with many moments of greatness behind you. Being eliminated isn't a matter of being the weakest designer, but more-so being the designer who grasped the task least efficiently.

The quality of outfits for this week is pretty good. Some of you did noticeably better than others, but no one delivered a below-average performance. Looking at these outfits, I see four very unique designers who create art with their own different mindsets. This was probably the funnest week to judge, personally. I thoroughly enjoy the unpredictability brought to panel every week.

I was a bit sick this week, and I also had to cover for a co-worker, so I had less time to organize everything. I did not schedule a guest judge this week, so I will be the sole critic at this panel.


SNAWL: In relation to the task, I think you could have had a better grasp. The only cohesion between the two versions are the shoes. Sure, you used the same bikini bottom, but it would be nice if you showcased more than 2 pixels of it. The jacket layer was supposed to add character to the bathing suit, not cover it up entirely. I feel like this was a mischievous tactic to submit two separate outfits.

Pros: I really love the bikini layer. The loose sleeve fabrics are peculiar but very Avant Garde. The colour palette goes really well with the stethoscope, which you are using brilliantly to conjoin the top & bottom. If I were judging the bathing suits alone, this would be top 2.

Cons: Your jacket layer is my least favourite of the 4. Not only is it blocky, and brings with it all the aforementioned flaws, but you really went out of your way with the sunglasses and belt to cover up absolutely everything. I strongly dislike the colour palette; the everest green does not look good with that orange. The entire silhouette is quite generic, and I wish you played around with shapes and composition more. Nothing about it intrigues me, and frankly, I think you could have tried a lot harder than this. Sorry.


SNAWL: You understood the task's demands, and you gave me exactly what I wanted. Your outfits feature some of the best graphics of the week, with undoubtedly the most flashy colour palette. I showed these outfits to fellow hosts/designers, and your submission was frequently swooned over by almost everyone. You really succeeded in the realms of creativity, but also practicality.

Pros: You took on a harsh, unforgiving colour palette, and really did a great job at balancing it out evenly. There is not a single colour addition that seems unneeded; everything serves a purpose. I also love that you posed in the "more difficult" angle. There are a lot of technical aspects to this outfit that most designers would trip over, but you conveyed with the sagacity of a seasoned, experienced designer... which is funny because you're the least experienced here.

Cons: Despite doing a really good job, there are a few blemishes that come off as absurd. Firstly, how does removing a jacket change the colour of your glasses? Secondly, I am really not loving the double bear paw thing going on, especially the ones on your hands. I struggle to see how they even make sense. Thirdly, I understand the importance of the backpack straps, but at this angle, I can see the actual sack on your back, and it sort of spoils it for me. All in all this was a good submission, but your abundance of odd features has me worried about how you stack up against the others.

SNAWL: Out of everyone, I think you had the strongest approach to the task. You knew exactly what a bathing suit should look like, and you had no trouble communicating that in your final product. Some may scoff at your colour palette, but for me, it's easily the most realistic of the 4. Bathing suits feature bright blues all the time, and you avoided looking tacky while paying homage to them.

Pros: I'm in love with your under-layer. The naked effect is executed smoothly, and this is probably the best use of that chest bow I've ever seen, ever. The bottom details trickle down with such encapsulating grace; you were really smart with which fabrics you chose to go with each other.

Cons: These "cons" are a bit of a reach because I absolutely love this. But I guess I am a bit turned off by the bulkiness around the shoulders? I know you need the princess top to get that chest glitch effect, but it kind of messes with the silhouette. But besides that, your performance in this task was a near flawless victory. I, along with everyone else, am shocked by how well you've stepped your game up. I tell people all the time to not get upset at low placements at the beginning of the game because they can easily be made up for later, and you exemplify that.



SNAWL: This performance is a great example of how to be idiosyncratic (unique to one's own style) while also delivering originality. The murky colour palette totally screams Kaytie, as well as the use of the jacket, straps, and suspenders. But you've done just enough to them so they don't come across as predictable. Similar to Harri, your bathing suit looks very real - something I can close my eyes to and imagine being worn in real life. The way the tie + suspenders replicate a vertical line pattern is absolutely glorious.

Pros: I really appreciate how you left the orange cloud + braids exactly the same, because they are strong and necessary on both versions. You designed around the same general concept, and achieved fluidity on both occasions. And as I said above, I am living for your improvised vertical line pattern. I've seen so many Habbo designers attempt similar ideas with bathing suit tasks, but this is the first time I've seen it executed this proficiently.

Cons: Again I'm reaching, but I guess it would've been cool to see a more original silhouette on the coat layer. The jacket and chest straps just don't have that much of a wow factor for me these days. But besides that, you did a really great job this week. This is one of the best things you've submitted in a long time, maybe even ever. 

Week 8 is finally over. Once again, panel was delayed due to personal shit on my end. Huge apologies! But on a brighter side, you guys delivered excellence again. This was another really enjoyable week to judge, because the quality of outfits was so pristine.

Harri, congratulations on your second Best Photo. Kaytie, & Daryl, the two of you have done well enough to advance yourselves to the Final 3. The designer leaving us in 4th place is Zechariah. As promised, here is a proper goodbye:

Herby, I've never had a designer go from "meh, not worth putting on my radar" to "holy shit, this person's a top tier designer" quicker than you have. I know eliminating you first in Season 5 hurt your feelings, but I'm glad I did it, because I feel like it ignited a passion inside you - a passion that lays evident week by week in this season. You've had numerous brilliant performances throughout this season, and your story is that of redemption and tenacity. Future designers who fail on their first try will look to you & your story as a source of inspiration. Habbo fashion isn't some innate gift, it's a skill anyone can learn and exercise if they have the right approach and attitude to succeed. And your resilience proves that.

4th place isn't what you were gunning for, but it's an admirable achievement nonetheless, especially in this season given the array of talent. I know your heart is in RPDRs, but after this, I genuinely hope you do continue to push yourself in PRs. You'd be robbing the community from witnessing some gorgeous creations if you didn't.

You were consistently on time, respectful to the game, and you tried harder than anyone else this whole season. You were the perfect contestant, and it cuts like a knife to send you packing. I don't know if I'll ever host more LTs, but if I do, I would be more than honoured to have you back. So please keep in touch, and don't let this elimination deter you.

Thank you, Zechariah.

"I'm doing double eliminations to speed this fucking game up, and then I'm never hosting one ever again." - Snawl, Season 2

"This is definitely going to be the final SnawlTerm."

- Snawl, Season 3

"I want to quit while I'm ahead, ergo, this is my last season." - Snawl, Season 4

"I swear to fucking God I'm not hosting any more of these." - Snawl, Season 5

It looks like I don't learn from my mistakes.

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