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- OF THE - 

The Shade Page

Hello everyone, and welcome to the second annual Shade Page! In a desperate attempt to salvage my longterm and make it relevant and give people incentive to visit the page, I have harvested quotes, roasts, and tea uttered by contestants in this game, as well as other figures in the Habbo fashion circle. A lot of these quotes are lifted from the Final 6 interviews, but some are loose remarks archived from as early as before Week 1.

Some of the quotes feature edited grammar to make them more readable. But besides that, all of these quotes are 100% real. Nothing here is fake. Disclaimer: Some of these quotes may've been taken out of context, or followed by a JK! This page exists to add levity to the competition, and nothing else. If you feel super offended by anything on this page, that is your own fault.

I will NOT be adding any more quotes to this page, so please don't rush to me with new quotes you want to see added. Let's just enjoy the Shade Page for what it is, and don't overkill it.

Harri is lacking. He needs to go back to his bearded runways in alydaman's rigged RPDR.

I was shocked at Whitney's elimination, but that's what happens when you are fucking cocky as shit.

The way Cinthia & Whitney performed in this game really shows how overrated they both are.

What Swampyyyyy submitted on the first task has to be the most breath-taking display of true fashion I have ever seen in my life. Snawl is a jealous fucking moron which is why he sent him home.

When I saw Whitney had the blood axe, I turned to [person] and said "watch her do one of her all-red-&-black outfits."

You want to know the secret to have Kaytie eliminated? Burn that God-forsaken thing she always has around her neck.

Taking bets: How many times will Snawl lose his temper on the cast this season?

I'm over Alan. He comes into PR with no experience, designs ugly shit, and everyone applauds him like he's icearbr except without the creative knowledge.

Razzing's outfits are dull and tired, just like his attempts at quitting Habbo.

Most of these designers need to step out of their comfort zone and stop recycling outfits they've already made.

Harri tries too hard to be different.

When I found out there was going to be a wild card, I knew it would be bad... but not SWAMPY level bad!?

Never cared for Cinthia, glad to see everyone else is getting sick of her too.

Happy 40th Birthday, icearbr!!!

None of them scare me. Not even Kaytie with her Week 4 burnt orange ass outfit. The fuck was that even? lol

Daryl's week 3 wasn't even that good and we're all confused how he won over Alex & herby?

Whitney - to be honest, I was anxious to see you in Snawl's PR thinking you were going to do extremely well. *Cackles* Boy was I wrong!

Herby is cool but his outfits are boring. But Snawl has a huge boner for him and he blows his load all over the panel page every week over whatever he makes.

Brian - shocked he made it this far? I was shocked he was even casted. 

Sonny is such a dumbass, for real.

Daryl is a good designer, don't get me wrong. But I don't think he is anywhere near as good as his progress makes him out to be. I don't see him making the finale, if I'm totally honest.

I LAAAV Herby but wtf was that shit on Week 4? He's lucky Alex cannot tell time otherwise he would be out.

I regret not applying, I would've bulldozed these idiots.

Kaytie if you're reading this: Fuck you, you fatass from Kentucky!

Who Is Most Likely To Win? (10 votes)

Alan - 0

Brian - 0

Daryl - 3

Harri - 0

Kaytie - 4

Zechariah - 3

Who Is Most Likely To Lose? (5 votes)

Alan - 1

Brian - 1

Daryl - 1

Harri - 2

Kaytie - 0

Zechariah - 0

Which Elimination Was Most Shocking? (5 votes)

Josh - 1

Peter - 0

Tiara - 0

Alex - 1

Whitney - 3

Are You Surprised To Still Be In?

- Honestly, 100% yes.

- Not really, no.

- No. I know what I'm capable of. Although I'm sure everyone else is shocked to see me still in.

- Yes. Considering the amount of talent in this cast, I thought I honestly would've been eliminated an episode or two ago.

- No. I came here to make the finale.

"I'm doing double eliminations to speed this fucking game up, and then I'm never hosting one ever again." - Snawl, Season 2

"This is definitely going to be the final SnawlTerm."

- Snawl, Season 3

"I want to quit while I'm ahead, ergo, this is my last season." - Snawl, Season 4

"I swear to fucking God I'm not hosting any more of these." - Snawl, Season 5

It looks like I don't learn from my mistakes.

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