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WEEK 4 - The Music Video Task

- OF THE - 

It's Week 4! Most of you don't know this, but it's been a tradition to make Week 4 an impromptu task involving music videos, and Season 6 is no exception!

Below, you will find four music videos. Each music video comes with a brief description of what type of outfit I am looking for (if you choose said video). Once you've decided on a video, you must claim it. Once you claim a video, you cannot switch, so choose wisely. Your job is to design an outfit inspired by the fashion in the video, while also being original and true to your style. Do not just copy an outfit you see in the video, that's a recipe for elimination. Show me your own artistic interpretation. 

HOW TO CLAIM A VIDEO: Message me on Habbo. It doesn't matter if I'm online or not. Do not message me through any other means of communication. Habbo sorts my offline messages by date, so whoever asks for a video first will get it. There is a maximum of three designers per music video. This is to prevent everyone from piling onto one video.


Hey, final 9. Big apologies for the wait for this panel. You have a late contestant to thank for that. Similar to last week, this week's overall quality of outfits was lacking in a lot of areas. As a group, you guys simply are not delivering outfits at a level I would like to see. This cast started so strong, so promising. . . hopefully we can rebound in future weeks.

Let's address the elephant in the room: Cinthia has decided it's in her best interest to drop out of the competition. Here is all I have to say: Snawlterm is an opportunity to overcome adversity and prove your talents. I have seen many people refer to Cinthia as one of the best designers on Habbo. This game was a chance for her to live up to that title. Instead, she designed mediocre outfits and quit. From now on, I don't want to hear any more bullshit about how she's the "best designer on Habbo" because she certainly didn't showcase it here. That's all I gotta say about it. We're over her, and her outfits, and we're moving on. See ya.

Despite Cinthia's departure, this week will still feature an elimination. Apologies to the ones who thought they were safe this week - you're never safe. Joining me in panel this week is someone whose judging r
ésumé surpasses most others, even mine. She has hosted three successful longterms, and is a trusted fashion adviser as well as a close friend of mine. If that's not impressive enough, she's currently the only designer on Habbo with a 100% longterm win rate. Please give a warm welcome to Fiona (Corlay)!


SNAWL: This outfit is not amazing, but given the less-than-stellar performances this week, it easily stands out as the best. I love how you took direct inspiration from the video, made it obvious, but also tapered it to your own style instead of ripping it off. This outfit is a beautiful mesh of your style, plus the video's theme. I love the thick, murky colour palette. It contrasts your set wonderfully. The use of the cat face to add texture behind the scarves was great, and I love that you used the simple norm skirt instead of something more blocky. The flaws I have with this outfit (besides the fact that you stole Cinthia's earrings before she left) is the outfit's heaviness.

I would've loved it if you picked a different top and left the sleeves bare. That would make this outfit look more outlandish and couture. But besides that, you did a really great job. This is a fantastic comeback from last week's disastrous outfit that almost sent you home.

CORLAY: I think you grasped what this video has to offer quite graciously. This is one of the better compositions this week. The burnt ombre tones contrasting the foliage in the background was a smart design choice. You constructed an interesting mix of fabrics and balanced those with different shades to make each element stand out. A great design this week.


Option A

Lorde - Perfect Places

Starring. . .

Kaytie & Sonny

SNAWL: At first glance, I really liked this outfit. I still do, but I'm starting to notice some cracks forming. First off, I love the fact that you paid such a blatant homage to the video by using the hat, and then catered the rest of the outfit around it. That was really smart. I'm really enjoying how you used white, because it succeeds so well with standing out. Everyone else would've done something super flashy, but you kept it toned down. The dash of green is ingenious, and the choice of fabrics on the top half are almost costume-y, and they play in with the hat perfectly to make a cohesive jungle-conquering outfit. Now for the flaws: I hate that skirt, and it immediately shoots down any chance you have at winning this task. Also the black graphic you made on the chest is quite lackadaisical compared to most other graphics I've seen this season. Regardless, this is one of your stronger performances of the competition, thank you Sonny.

CORLAY: Definitely one of the better designs this week. I appreciate the palette and how you’ve managed to incorporate such a large volume of white into the fabrics chosen. Slimming and proportionate. The green band across the bodice was a nice addition. Overall, a good rendition of this task.

Option B

Kaskade ft. Dragonette - Fire In Your New Shoes

Starring. . .

Daryl, Alan, & Whitney



Option C

Die Antwoord - Baby's On Fire

Starring. . .

Zechariah, Harri, & Alex


SNAWL: I think this is your weakest performance, Zechariah. I don't see this video's gangster aesthetic conveyed through this outfit much at all. I like the pattern you have on your skirt, but everything else doesn't make sense. First off, is the shirt a creme colour, or are you trying to convey nudity? Either way, it doesn't look good, nor does it make a lick of sense. The top accessories are too sporadic and flashy; you lose the whole Zef white gangster vibe, and are leaning more towards a drunk Marti Gras participant. And again, this is yet another example of someone using an abnormal pose for literally no reason, because you aren't showcasing any new technique or angle with the clothing you chose. This outfit is an absolute catastrophe, and you need to be thankful that some people managed to bomb harder than you. Because if you delivered this quality of clothing on any other week, you'd be out of here. I hope with my fingers crossed that you can come back from this. Sorry, Zechariah.

CORLAY: This took me a long time to wrap my head around. The colours are aesthetically pleasing and relate to the video. The use of culture and skin are evident. I just feel as though you forgot this was a fashion competition. I don’t see much else that is redeeming in this design. It’s very lackluster and theatrical. I wish you toned it down and thought the elements through. Thanks.


SNAWL: I like where you were going with the gold buckles, I think they tie into the video quite well. However, I wish you ran with that aesthetic, instead of relegating it to a small rectangle on your lower bodice. The rest of your outfit is being swallowed up entirely by a big coat paired with an obnoxious scarf, neither of which serve relevance to the video. Do you think people in South Africa are walking around in giant coats & scarves in the day time in summer? Hell no. Your approach is impractical, and I don't get Zef gangster culture, or cute/sexualized imagery which was also prominent in the video. I really think you just failed to grasp a single thing the video stood for, and left so much untapped potential on the cutting board. You played this week too safe, Harri. I keep thinking back to your Week 2 design, and how edgy and creative it was. That's the type of outfits I want to see from you. Can you get back into whatever mindset you were in that week? Because you're starting to really bore me. Pull yourself together. 

CORLAY: I love the colour palette, it’s very on brand and ‘childish’; as the video suggests. I think the use of the scarf may have added too much heftiness to the design that was unnecessary. Had you incorporated more gold into the top of the design I think this would have been a better design. Overall I see the culture, skin and overall aesthetic in your creation. Thanks.


SNAWL: This outfit is the best of the 3, hands down. Your Zef cultural influence is blatant, and I am loving the use of the sports hoodie because of its trashy, re-purposed appearance. The shoes are questionable, but besides that, you nailed the video's aesthetic and vibe. However, what I don't love is the fact that you are consistently late week after week. You have NO IDEA how much stress you caused me this week. You made zero effort to log on all week, nor did you reach out to me to schedule a meeting. And this isn't a "one time only" thing, you did the same thing on Week 1. You are a problem, Alex. Your lack of time management is a problem. You've performed consistently well in this game, and could very easily go on to win it all. But that's not happening, because I refuse to subject myself to the torture that is waiting for you to submit. And I refuse to subject your fellow cast mates to prolonged waits. I actually considered cancelling this entire LT, that's how well you succeeded in getting under my skin. This week is all about trimming the fat - getting rid of people who aren't taking this competition seriously. Cinthia already saw herself out, now it leaves just you. I'm sorry Alex, but you have to go.

CORLAY: I was very confused by this design. The jacket covered way too much. The gold chains were your focal point; that I understand. I just think the video had much more to offer and you didn’t grasp that. The colours were mixed well and some of the clothing items were placed appropriately. The overall composition just lacked inspiration and it was very evident. Thanks.

SNAWL: You have, hands down, the best representation of the loose fabrics from the video. I'm really glad you took my advice to tone the red down, because it makes the outfit that much more posh and in tune with the video. Your palette is straight-forward, and you are using the backwards pose to its full benefit by highlighting different angles of common accessories. You conveyed exactly what you needed to without having a surplus of unneeded shit. This outfit doesn't have any stand-out flaws, but it also doesn't spring off the page for me either. It's a good outfit amidst a week of under-performing submissions. I've seen several of your fellow competitors express frustration over your consistent top placings. Frankly, it's their fault for making it so easy for you. Thanks, Daryl.

CORLAY: Beautiful concoction of straps. . . the layering is impeccable and entwined very beautifully. I love the cut in the fabric you chose for the bottom half of the design, it worked really well with the video. The angle you decided to design from was daring and it really paid off in my opinion. Very nicely done.

SNAWL: The visuals from the video are apparent, and it's clear what you are trying to convey. 

I really appreciate how you went with a more toned down palette, as opposed to the others who went apeshit with the red. The massive flaw I have with this outfit, is that it is rife with cliche tricks and techniques I have seen over and over. You are the newest to Habbo fashion, so I guess I can't get too mad at you for not being aware of everything that has been overused. But this hearkens back to Week 2 when I grilled Brian for posing backwards without actually utilizing that angle to its fullest capabilities. This video was all about getting messy and wild with stray fabrics, and frankly, you played it a little to neat and contained for me. The apron + skirt combo is nothing I haven't seen before, and everything else is just run-of-the-mill techniques I've come to expect from backwards outfits. This wasn't a hit for me, sorry Alan.

CORLAY: Took me a while to understand where you were going with this. I usually abhor most designs that are designed from this angle. Risky and unfortunately I feel as though you didn’t succeed to the best of your abilities. The earrings are my favourite part of this design, the skirt combo was overplayed and boring. I wish you used more daring elements. Overall this isn’t completely ruined but I just want to scroll past it. In comparison to some of the other designs this week, it’s very safe.


SNAWL: I do like certain aspects to this outfit. I like how you distributed the colours, and the addition of the cape to create a capsule for the dress is gorgeous, while also alluding to the end of the music video. However, I'm left wanting more from you. Your entire silhouette is really neat and almost pedestrian, and that just wasn't what I was expecting from this wild music video. I don't think you used your source material to its fullest potential. I don't have a lot to say about your outfit this week, it's just a neat black + red outfit. You have been coasting in Average-ville for the entire duration of this game, and it frustrates me because I know you have everything it takes to win this game. I want to see you let go of all your fears and inhibitions, get creative, and win a task like you deserve to. Can ya do that for me? Thanks, Whit.

CORLAY: As much as I see the inspiration in this design; the collaboration of clothing items is overdone. I’ve seen renditions of this design in the past. That being said, I do admire your ability to relate it directly to the video. It was a very bold effort and attempt. The bottom of the design is definitely my favourite. The bold red standing out amongst the black is gorgeous. Thanks.

Option D

Dorothy - Flawless

Starring. . .



SNAWL: First off, congratulations on being the only contestant with the BALLS to do the hardest video. Secondly, while this outfit certainly isn't flawless *chuckle*, I think you did a rather swell job. My two biggest issues are the glasses, and the colours being a bit too dull. The outfit itself represents the atmosphere created in the video really well. I love the use of the sleek dress pants, because it almost adds an air of prestigious-ness to an otherwise hippie outfit. It helps hammer home that this is neo-hippie, not a '60s costume. The fur is great, and I love the top you paired it with. Had your colours been more impactful, you possibly could have walked away from this task with the win. Either way, you impressed me this week. Thanks.

CORLAY: Great decision to use furs and more straightforward design elements; such as straight cut trousers and flared sleeves. It brought the design back to the era it was meant to be. You elevated the idea and showed a fashion forward design. I think the colour palette could have used a bit of tweaking. Overall an admirable and honest representation of the task. Good job.

Finally, the never-ending week draws to a conclusion. Once again, I am sorry for the wait. Several of you bitched at me for it, but please understand that I moved as fast as I was able to.

Kaytie, congratulations on landing Best Photo for Week 4. Daryl & Sonny, well done for being stand-outs in this disappointing week, worthy of Top 3. For this week, we are saying goodbye to two designers. Cinthia, thank you for ensuring that I don't accidentally give 300 coins to someone who doesn't deserve it. You won't be missed. We also say goodbye to Alex, whose designing talents are undeniable, but whose time management skills are non-existent.

Task 5 has been posted, and it sure is going to be a fun one! Much like last week, this week's winner (Kaytie) is going into the week with an advantage. It pays to win! Thank you final 8, and good luck!

"I'm doing double eliminations to speed this fucking game up, and then I'm never hosting one ever again." - Snawl, Season 2

"This is definitely going to be the final SnawlTerm."

- Snawl, Season 3

"I want to quit while I'm ahead, ergo, this is my last season." - Snawl, Season 4

"I swear to fucking God I'm not hosting any more of these." - Snawl, Season 5

It looks like I don't learn from my mistakes.

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