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WEEK 3 - Minimal Effort

- OF THE - 

For your third task, you will be tackling the fashion movement known as minimalism. Before we go any further, I need to make one thing clear: MINIMALISM does not mean PLAIN/BORING. Minimalism is when you use small amounts of clothing with simple colour palettes to showcase the beauty of the fabrics (or a technique) you are using. I went ahead and whipped up five quick examples of what I consider to be minimalism.

Minimalism is all about interpretation - it's about taking something in your head, and bringing it to life. Because I can't see what is going on in your head, it makes no sense for me to interfere with your canvas. That means . . . there will be NO OUTFIT ADVICE for this week. If you can't handle that, then frankly you shouldn't be here.

The due date for this task is Tuesday, the 22nd. Despite outfit advice being off limits, you can still contact me if you have questions/concerns regarding the task. I am always happy to help tighten one's grasp on the task.


Hello final 11, welcome to panel #3 of Season 6. There is no easy way to say this, but this week (for the most part) has been quite underwhelming in terms of group delivery. There are a few individuals whose grasp on this task was firm, and they produced stellar outfits. But the majority of you didn't. It seems like minimalism is a new-found weakness for several of you. This confirms my suspicion that minimalism is vastly underrepresented in Habbo fashion. The only way to get better at something is fervent practice, so if you didn't perform well on this task, please take note of the outfits that did. Examine them and learn from them.

I neglected to mention this in the briefing of this task, but the winner of this task is going to receive a wacky advantage going forward into this next task. This will not be the last time I give advantages to task winners, which is more incentive to strive for the top every week.

Our weekly guest judge is the one and only pioneer of Habbo minimalism, Arber (icearbr)! Arber is not only a close friend of mine, as well as a phenomenal designer, but he is also the winner of Snawlterm Season 3. He understands the demands of a competition like this.


SNAWL: This outfit showcases how much of a technician you are when it comes to the selection of fabrics. You had a vision of long, drapey, sleek fabrics, and you stuck with that till the end. And the outfit you put forth as a result is clear and lovely. You were one of the very few designers of this week who had a firm grasp on what this task was about. This outfit is so chic and high-fashion, without being obnoxious. I am beyond impressed at how much you & your style has matured since Season 5. Your decision to keep the top vast and barren, but clutter the bottom with black, is such an enticing contrast. The only flaw I have to point out is the belt - I would've liked it if you left the shirt blank to give more length. But besides that, you are one of the few shining stars in this week of underwhelming outfits. Great work!

ICEARBR: The black and white choice works against you when it comes to first impressions. But once you really look at this outfit you can see how these tones were perfect for it. I am impressed with your composition and balance throughout the outfit Keeping the majority of it blank and clean enhances the bottom section and makes it stand out. The bottom graphics are busy but well composed and not overbearing. One of the stronger outfits this week. Keep it up.


SNAWL: It looks like you understood minimalism just fine. Pairing that sweater with that skirt is such an obvious combination, but I like that you posed backwards to better showcase the dividing line between the two pieces. However, I feel like you could've achieved greatness if you mucked around with the colours. The yellow on the shoes just aren't enough to make this outfit a stand-out of the week. Imagine if you replaced all the black with gold, and all the white with turquoise, and maybe black shoes? THAT would be a striking outfit. But an uninspiring colour palette paired with an outfit that has no intriguing textural value, I can't say I'm blown away by this. You don't deserve to be eliminated, but this isn't worthy of praise either. A middle-of-the-road outfit. 

ICEARBR: Interesting choice in matching the tribal shirt with that skirt. Others would avoid matching those for obvious reasons but in your case it works quite nice in correlation with the task. I also enjoy the angle of your shoot and your use of the hair colour influencing some details on your outfit. That aside I feel like black and white was a safe choice. I would like to see more ingenuity from you. Don’t be afraid to take risks in the future.


SNAWL: This outfit nails the whole "simple but bold" aesthetic I like to see put into practice in my minimalism outfits. Your idea to do a reverse ombre effect was really intuitive, and I'm learning to love the use of the badge because it inverts the gray/black pattern and prevents it from getting boring. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the belt + panties combo, it cuts of pretty aggressively. Also if your shoe colour was a little less flashy, I think it would serve you better. But besides that, you did a good job this week. If you had just a little more cohesion with the fabrics you chose, this could've possibly ranked higher. I know you hate middle placements, but I'm not going to boost your score to the top unless I feel like you utterly deserve it. Either way, good job.

ICEARBR: Interesting take on the task. I admire your use of the blacks in such rich/wet looking graphics. The outfit would have ended up looking quite basic if you didn’t have the badge detail reversing the tones and breaking the monotony of the outfit. I think a nude shoe over the neon would have enhanced this way more.,+*`*+



SNAWL: This is not minimalism. More importantly, this outfit looks eerily similar to the one you tried to submit on Week 2 but I advised you not to. Is this what you do? You pre-construct outfits and then try to ham-fist them into the tasks I give you? I'm not impressed. Snawlterm is supposed to be a learning opportunity, and judging by your outfits, I don't think you're here to learn. And the fact that you came onto set asking for outfit advice furthermore highlights that you didn't even read the task description where I said NO OUTFIT ADVICE in bold font. So I'm left with the image of a designer who doesn't read the tasks, and who tries to stuff their inadequate pre-made outfits into the tasks regardless of how poorly they fit the task's criteria. Not gonna lie, I feel disrespected by you. I'm not even going to critique this outfit because A) it's not minimalism and B) you probably don't even read these critiques anyway.

ICEARBR: I’m gonna get right down to business with this one. This outfit does not fit in the minimalism task. You have mixed various textures and tones without a critical eye. When I usually judge minimal outfits I tend to think what could be removed or changed to enhance an outfit. In your case the necktie has to go, the tattoo has to go, the pants have to be changed, the jacket has to change, the palette has to change. Basically the whole outfit should change. I can see the potential in this if you edited it better. But you didn’t so here we are.

SNAWL: With each week in this competition, you continuously overstep my expectations of what you are capable of, and deliver breath-taking outfits. The idea to keep the colour palette dense and warm was such a risk, and you designed around your front canvas with absolute precision and gusto. I just love how the purple comes through the outside of the red, creating a perimeter. The usage of orange and burgundy mellow the outfit out well. As for your actual textures, you kept them simple so as to not disturb the horizontal lines on the Kevlar vest. This outfit has an essence of sporty high fashion to it, and I cannot possibly think of a way to improve on it. You are the lone survivor of this treacherous week of confusion and mediocrity. Phenomenal job.

ICEARBR: One of my favourites this week. You used minimalism to convey quite the eye-catching outfit. I admire the play on tones and how you matched the darker belt with the vest tone. The break of the monochrome with the orange was a really nice touch in making the outfit stand out more. I don’t see any errors with this look. That being said, I have seen a very similar outfit done before in other longterms. You should keep that in mind for the following tasks.


SNAWL: This outfit looks like you were lost from the get-go. Minimalism is about conveying abstract art with as little cluttered texture as possible, and yet your focal point is one of the most detailed and textured jackets on Habbo. The earrings are also more needless texture and should've remained on the design table. I do like your bottom half though, I like the long shirt against that dress. It's pretty symmetrical and gracious, but it's not enough to salvage this outfit entirely. The overall colour palette is okay, however I would've avoided nude shoes because it doesn't look cohesive against the bright colours. I'm sorry Cinthia, but this was not a good week for you.

ICEARBR: Great job on fulfilling the bare minimum on what this particular task required. The outfit is minimal and clean-ish (earrings could go). My problem with this is your taste level. Apart from a clean outfit I do not see any ingenuity or a creative outfit. I’ve seen this silhouette before and the colours are not special. You are a talented designer and capable of giving us something new. I believe in you.


SNAWL: I am impressed with how careful and precise you handled this task. You're known for designing with a lot of detail, and frankly I predicted you were going to struggle this week, but you didn't. This outfit is sleek, but also bold - it has an element of power dressing which I find really interesting. The graphic on your chest is amazing and I have no idea how you achieved it. Using black shoes to cap off the outfit is something so minuscule, but it's really smart. I do like the idea to add a splash of colour, but I probably wouldn'tve used hot pink because it's a bit immature compared to the rest of the outfit. Imagine if instead of hot pink, you used a light mint green? THAT would've been fantastic. Either way, you did a really good job this week. Bravo.

ICEARBR: Great job on fulfilling the task requirements. You gave us a clean outfit with hints of colour that are referenced throughout. I did enjoy that. That being said I am not a fan of the palette everywhere else. Minimalism doesn't mean boring and this outfit is rather underwhelming. You could have played with better colours to make this outfit stand out. I feel like a uniform gray instead of these washed off dirty whites and blues would fit better, and instead of pink a minty green. That would make this outfit heavenly. (<< OMG bitch stole my advice)





Aaaaaaand that's a wrap for Week 3. As I said above, the overall group quality of the outfits took a bit of a plummet. However, that didn't stop some of you from cranking out superb outfits. 

Daryl, congratulations on landing Best Photo for Week 3. Alex & Zechariah, you guys also submitted admirable designs and are well deserving of Top 3. For our third elimination, we are saying goodbye to Tiara. I am shocked to see you go, but after evaluating your performance of this week, it's clear to me that there is no other person who deserves to depart more than you. Thank you for taking a chance on Season 6, and I will miss our banter on the sets. Farewell.

Task 4 is already uploaded. Make sure you read everything on the task page before designing. Also, Daryl will be receiving his advantage for winning this week's task. This is arguably one of the most difficult tasks, so make sure you bring your A-game! Good luck, final 10.

SNAWL: I think you did a really good job at taking an unflattering colour palette, and making it artsy and beautiful. The silhouette on your chest - albeit not the first time I've seen it - is quite appealing. I love the dash of light brown in the centre. Keeping your bottom half boxy and long was a very nice contrast to the top. This outfit does come sprinkled with a few flaws though. One can argue that the top half is too detailed to quality as minimalism, and to an extent I agree. Also, I try hard to make my own critiques and not piggyback off someone else's words, but I wholeheartedly agree with Arber's issue with the belt. The belt is very dense, and it combats the other textures negatively. I think you did a really nice attempt at minimalism, but there are some fundamental flaws that prevent you from scoring high this week. Thanks, Sonny.

ICEARBR: I admire the palette and the overall feel of this. The torso graphics are really interesting and the brown balance is done quite well. That being said, for a minimalism task, you could have edited this a bit more. The belt graphics disrupt the clean balance of this outfit. I feel like a cleaner belt would have worked better. Overall this is a good outfit but not one of your best.

SNAWL: I'm sorry Kaytie, but this is not minimalism. In fact, nothing about this outfit can be interpreted as minimalism, in my opinion. Not the textures, not the silhouete, not the colours (more-so how you laid them out). I like how you left the legs bare and secluded the detail to the top, but girl, that's not enough to make it minimalism! The use of the jacket was a bad idea, because it looks rough and choppy against the smooth whites. The belt is wholly unneeded, and the idea to pair white with... burgundy? Yeah, no thanks. I'm sorry Kaytie, but you missed the point of this task completely, probably more than anyone else this week. 

ICEARBR: I feel like this task confused you. I don’t see minimalism on this outfit. There are way too many textures going around the torso. It would have been fine if the vest textures were not apparent. I think you needed to reverse the colours with the white being darker while the highlighted dark sections, lighter. Another issue I have with this outfit is your colour choice. White and burgundy do not go together. If the task wasnt minimalism this outfit would have had more potential but in these circumstances it’s a miss.

SNAWL: I love the abstract black lines throughout this outfit. The belt is a bit lopsided and I would've preferred a different one, but besides that, you really embraced minimalism this week. The top silhouette is very original and inventive, and the choice of pants is brilliant because it helps convey this grimy, almost industrial couture aesthetic. Really beautiful. The nude shoes were executed perfectly and with purpose. This all comes together as a really experimental, but calm and mellow outfit. You gave me exactly what I wanted, so thank you Alan!

ICEARBR: The outfit stands out from the rest due to the direction you went for but it still fulfills the task requirements quite well. The shape of your shirt is really interesting and the overall pallette is pleasing to the eye. I think a symmetrical straight belt might have worked better but the belt you went with doesn’t ruin the outfit. You bring a fresh perspective to this game and you got me curious about your future outfits. Keep it up.

SNAWL: Throughout my years as a host/judge of Project Runway, I have seen a lot of ombre outfits. I have also seen a lot of striped outfits. But never before, have I EVER seen. . . . . an outfit that is both ombre & striped!? This outfit's pattern is such a mindfuck - and I mean that in the most positive way. But despite the underlayer patterns stealing the show, you've wrapped the outfit in a beige coat which further contrasts the inner palette. This outfit is not only minimal and experimental, it can also double as a commercially viable runway outfit. You did an utterly fantastic job this week, Alex. Thank you for helping restore my faith in this week's outfits. 

ICEARBR: This outfit was worth the wait. It is one of my favourites of the week. There is nothing I would have changed. (maybe a gray shoe instead of vanilla yellow but I’m just being picky here) I don’t have anything more to add because you created the perfect embodiment of this task. Keep it up.

"I'm doing double eliminations to speed this fucking game up, and then I'm never hosting one ever again." - Snawl, Season 2

"This is definitely going to be the final SnawlTerm."

- Snawl, Season 3

"I want to quit while I'm ahead, ergo, this is my last season." - Snawl, Season 4

"I swear to fucking God I'm not hosting any more of these." - Snawl, Season 5

It looks like I don't learn from my mistakes.

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