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WEEK 5 - Finish Him!!!


- OF THE - 

Welcome to your fifth task! This is a task I have been anticipating since the start of this game. Seriously, you guys are going to love this one! Before I go any further, I want to make this clear: For this task only, you do not have to maintain your Habbo's "model". This means wigs/beards/skin & face changes are permitted for this week!

For this task, you will be presented with 4 weapon options down below, along with their set. Your job is to create a video game boss/character that will wield the weapon. I'm not asking you to go super extra with a backstory (but hey, knock yourself out if that's your preferred method). The sets that you are photographed in are part of your character's personality. I want your outfit to be relevant to the set, but also not blend in entirely.

For this week, the only pose you are allowed to do is the normal, side angle pose. No front on, no sideways, no backwards.

For winning last task, Kaytie will be assigning everyone's weapons. As soon as Kaytie gives me the list of who gets what, I will message you all, and you may begin designing. Good luck, final 8!


Hey, final 7! Similarly to last week, we've been delayed by a late contestant. I'm not going to apologize for it because it was entirely not my fault. I am always lightning quick when it comes to editing and and creating panel. If you want to yell at someone, yell at the people who are late. Spare me from it, please & thank you.

Sonny has made zero effort to log on and submit his outfit, and I don't feel like chasing him, so he is disqualified, making this another double elimination week. Each one of you has a 1/7 chance at winning 300 coins, so by quitting/letting yourself be disqualified, you are only robbing yourself. It doesn't bother me at all; if anything I like it, because it speeds this game up. Sonny currently has a 3/3 quit rate in longterms, so good luck to him if he wants to play anyone else's LT in the future.

In happier news, the quality of outfits this week is quite stunning. This group has rebound fairly well, and several of you delivered really good outfits. Due to the amount of quitters, the international destination will be at the final 5, instead of the final 6.

Arber (icearbr) did most of the legwork for the editing in this task, so it's only fair that I invite him to guest judge it with me again. With everything said, let's get to the outfits!

Axe of Blood

SNAWL: Your concept is certainly intriguing, and I think you did a good job at creating your own character that is distinct. However, a large part of this task was having the character pertain to the weapon while also standing out on its own. With you, it seems like you tried dressing up as the weapon. Regarding your outfit, I love the black + gray, but I wish there was less of a texture overload. Also the belt gives a really unflattering silhouette around the waist. Normally I love those boots, but they just don't make sense here. You have consistently been one of the most daring & creative designers in this game, but this week, your risk didn't pay off.

ICEARBR: Interesting take on the task. Going for the metallic aspect of the weapon and leaving the blood/gore just show on the background gives this concept quite a nice contrast. That being said, the idea behind this is the only thing I enjoy. The outfit fails to impress me. It represents chaos in a non controlled/aesthetical manner. Belt + shirt detail combo is great but its overruled by the rest of the stuff like cat tattoo and necklace. I would like you to balance your ideas out and edit them better.


SNAWL: I am both bemused & irritated at how boring and predictable this outfit is, and it's such a shock to see a designer of your caliber submit something so mundane. I don't care how much (or little) time you spend on the outfit, I only care about the final product. But you could've at least taken my free outfit advice, because I was subtly trying to save you from elimination, but you chose to not listen to me. This outfit is a typical mediocre "gore" attempt which really has no convincing gore aspects at all. And the fact that you stuffed black into any crease & crack just makes it look all the more cheaper. I'm also puzzled at why you kept your face/skin/hair the same? You're a RPDR designer, I assumed you would've went all-out with a costume, or anything really. This is your weakest performance, and could quite possibly be your last. I'm sorry, Whitney. 

ICEARBR: I do enjoy the graphical aspect of the outfit with the harsh blacks. What I find lacking in this is inspiration. Black and red are the most common go to “gore” looks, that or add guts. The silhouette is original but not that interesting and the palette is just boring. This was a concept art task. In concept art, the characters have to stand out from the crowd. This one feels more like an NPC.



Storm Gun


SNAWL: This is fascinating. You look like a mad scientist who is about to obliterate a city by unleashing hellish weather conditions with your newly-invented gun. The item that sells this outfit best is the white coat, which incidentally, was a result of the item glitch. This has to be the best example of a glitch improving an outfit that I've ever seen! The combination of aqua and everest green is really striking, and I love how this outfit has almost a formal, academic nerdy cross-dresser aura to it. I'm getting major Cyber Six vibes. The head accessories are also really effective at conveying a real, thought-out character. The only flaw I have with this outfit are the shoes - they seem a bit clunky, and they don't really go well with the shorts you picked. But besides that, this outfit was a beautiful comeback from last week. Well done, Zechariah!

ICEARBR: I’m not gonna lie, I’ve seen versions of this outfit before done by other people. But in a weird way I don’t hate this outfit for it. You found a perfect use of this form to really match the idea behind ur weapons concept. It’s clean, bold, minimal and almost clinical and cold in its presentation. The palette is fitting and the overall quality of the outfit is quite high. Impressive week for you. Keep it up.









SNAWL: Weep-woop. Toodles!

ICEARBR: I could lie to you and say I’m surprised but I’m not. I literally told Brad you will quit before the game even started.

Foliage Hammer


SNAWL: This outfit has a few cool textural elements, but overall I'm quite underwhelmed. Foliage Hammer was the weapon you deemed most challenging, and you let it be known through your clothes that your creativity was indeed challenged. The outfit itself is pretty standard, and I see no use of organic components (ie vines, leaves, branches, etc) except on the head accessories. I guess you can make the argument that the fur resembles moss, but it's just not that interesting. Also, your colour palette is needlessly bright and lacks harmony. I strongly dislike your choice to feature blue, because it makes the outfit look like you're partaking in a nooby PR where the task is 4 Elements and you picked Earth. Sadly, this is easily your weakest performance in this competition. Sorry, Daryl.

ICEARBR: You managed to create a really strong silhouette with the outfit. Not a huge fan of the palette and the head accessories. To stand out in this particular themed background you could have had a more murky faded palette or maybe an ombre from faded greens to these bright ones you have. I feel like the head accessories could have been manipulated better, maybe with a more subtle approach to it. Overall a nice concept just needs more editing.


SNAWL: I must admit, I wasn't sold on your concept initially. However, after seeing it in practice with the weapon + set, I've changed my mind, and I am really loving your approach to this task. You did a fantastic job at making your character one with the set, but also distinct enough to stand out on its own. Your entire upper bodice is beautiful; I am really enthralled by this dead nature concept gripping itself all over you. The skirt was an odd choice, but I've grown to appreciate it, and I can't picture this outfit with anything else. The only flaw worth mentioning is the flower crown - I appreciate its relevancy, but it was a bit of an obvious addition. Besides that, you really excelled this week. You've grown the most out of anyone so far, and I eagerly await your next outfit. 

ICEARBR: You had the right idea for this outfit. The silhouette is weirdly fitting and the palette is gorgeous. I personally am a sucker for wrinkles used in concepts. You could have improved this with better head accessories or lack of them in a way and the skintone is a bit over the top. To make this stand out more I think you needed a contrasting bright colour somewhere, maybe hairtone or a subtle detail somewhere idk. I’m just being picky here. Good job so far Brian.

Sword of Darkness


SNAWL: This outfit is difficult to critique because it is so ambiguous and unorthodox. But your past outfits have been the opposite, so this is a step in the right direction. I'm going to assume you purposely contrasted the background, which is a common occurrence in fantasy RPG games. In that regards, you did a pretty good job. I'm not entirely sold on the pink, but I love the burgundy and white. I enjoy how the silhouette is linear and layered. The heels are wicked - probably the strongest outfit-to-shoe pairing of the week. And you know what? I think I DO like the mask. It's reminiscent of Koh from The Last Airbender, being in a cave and all. My main issue with this outfit (besides the pink) is the use of jeans. They just don't mesh with the ethereal theme of everything else. Also I would've loved to see you use a belt to balance the torso, because it kind of drags on. Besides that, you did a decent job. Thanks, Harri.

ICEARBR: Not sure how this will be perceived by others but I personally love it. You went for such an unorthodox way to represent darkness and I live for it. The silhouette of the outfit is new and exciting. The palette is bold and weirdly unconventional. The mask was the perfect fit for that creepy cuteness you were going for. I can see you had fun with this and I can draw various stories lines out of this look. One of the stronger looks of the week for me personally.


SNAWL: My God, now this is a concept art character! This looks like she is ready to be a Mortal Kombat fighter right now! Similar to Brian, you are doing a brilliant job at playing into the set, while also being unique and separated. Your approach seems so simple and straight-forward, but it's executed with such gusto, and a clear understanding of what the task wanted. I see personality, ferocity, courage, and a thirst to be played. Your colours are meshed gorgeously, and are a clear allusion to the weapon & set. Your disjointed, broken-apart fabrics are revealing and pay homage to the scantily clad trope. What I absolutely love are the dashes of ice blue, signifying yourself as a separate entity from the set. You went completely all-out this week, and I could not be happier with the results. Well done!

ICEARBR: The palette is gorgeous. The sword looks like it was made for you. I think the scrapped/barely put together outfit really matches your theme. You balanced this pretty well with some heavy details on the head/torso while simplifying it and keeping it short on the bottom. It's proportioned, gorgeously coloured and badass. Keep it up bro.

Week 5 is now history. Rather than ranting on about the ones who quit. I'd like to thank the ones who are still here, giving this competition their hardest effort. You guys rock, and are the reason PR is still alive! Thank you.


Kaytie, congratulations on landing Best Photo for Week 5, your second consecutive win. Brian & Zechariah, well done for landing Top 3 this week; the two of you each delivered your strongest outfits to date. Again, we are saying goodbye to two designers. Sonny, thank you for demonstrating why it is important to be meticulous when you cast for an LT. You had a history of quitting but I casted you anyway because I wanted to be nice. I won't make that mistake again. We also say goodbye to Whitney, thank you for giving it your all, unfortunately it simply was not good enough. 

Task 6 is posted, and it will determine who will travel to Season 6's international destination. GL!

"I'm doing double eliminations to speed this fucking game up, and then I'm never hosting one ever again." - Snawl, Season 2

"This is definitely going to be the final SnawlTerm."

- Snawl, Season 3

"I want to quit while I'm ahead, ergo, this is my last season." - Snawl, Season 4

"I swear to fucking God I'm not hosting any more of these." - Snawl, Season 5

It looks like I don't learn from my mistakes.

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