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- OF THE - 

Welcome to Task #6! This is going to be the most simple, easy task of the season. Why are we doing an easy task mid-way through the game? Because the five people who survive this task will be travelling to our international destination of Season 6. The playing ground for this task is simple and leveled to ensure the top 5 who advance are the 5 who deserve it the most.

For this task, you must choose a colour pairing below, and design an outfit using ONLY those two colours. That's it! Here are the rules:

  • Anyone can pick any colour, you don't have to claim it.

  • 100% of your outfit must consist of those 2 colours. Do NOT use an accessory if the colour cannot be changed.

  • Do NOT use clothing that drastically change/alter the tint of a colour (ie; the HC leather jacket, the norm striped shirt, etc.)

  • Hair & skin don't matter, of course.

  • Diagonal & backwards poses are banned for this week. This task is about raw talent, not gimmicks.

  • You can change your mind and pick a different palette at any time before submitting.

  • This task has been done before in Ice-Ssus. Click here to see examples.


Hello final 6. HUGE APOLOGIES for the week long delay, I've been extremely busy in real life. Like all of you, I hold my work/school/social life higher than any Habbo project. But now I have some downtime, and I look forward to having this longterm complete by the middle of August. We're still on par with the timeline!

The five designers who survive this panel are being flown to Casablanca, Morocco for the remainder of this competition! Despite the quitters and the people delaying panel, this has actually been a really enjoyable experience for me, and I am stoked to see how it all unfolds overseas. In my mind, you all are strong, capable designers with an equal 1/6 chance of taking it all.

My longtime Habbo BFF Vxcki is filling in the spot for guest judge this week. Like me, she is busy in real life, so it might take a few extra days for her critiques to arrive to panel. With all said & done, let's get to the outfits!

WEEK 6 - Paint By Number


SNAWL: This outfit is compact, but surprisingly detailed and intricate. My eye immediately goes to the collar region; the hobo shirt + scarf is a match made in heaven. This is one of those situations where the earrings actually lift the palette pleasantly, and aren't superfluous. As my eye travels down, I am further intrigued. I LOVE the use of the norm karate belt, and how it's peeking at the bottom of the apron. Little details like that are to die for. In summary, you delivered a really well-balanced outfit that plays brilliantly to the strength of this colour palette. However, an issue I have is that you chose to use clothing you typically wear every day with your Habbo's normal look (the scarf + apron). I wish you were more adventurous and didn't pick clothing you are so familiar with. But besides that, you did really well. Thanks, Kaytie.

VXCKI: Vicky's critiques will be up shortly. . .


SNAWL: I'm sorry but I have to be candid: this outfit is flat-out boring. Wet Makeup was one of the more challenging palettes because of how opposing the two colours are; you really have to force them together aggressively like I did in my example photo above. But here, you kept the purple way too minimal. This task was about harmonizing two odd colours by using creative textures, and you did the exact opposite. Nothing here is creative. I mentioned pre-shoot that I liked your bottom textures, but I really wish you didn't clash them with the top. The top is furry and rough, while the bottom is symmetrical and sleek. It just doesn't translate into a good outfit. Finally, the purple is used so sparingly, and in the weirdest places. The chest texture? It just doesn't look good, it looks like the purple is intruding and doesn't belong. This was a really weak week for you, I'm sorry.

VXCKI: Vicky's critiques will be up shortly. . .





SNAWL: I definitely wouldn't have taken such a simple approach to this task, however I'm glad you did, because your execution is deft and beautiful. The brilliance in this outfit is how the top is so textured and enthralling, but the bottom is left a blank slate to reinforce the colour palette, and nothing else. While I admit this outfit isn't armed with breath-taking textural tricks, I admire how cohesive and editorial it is. If I had to pick one outfit of this week and send it down a runway right now, I'd pick yours in a heartbeat. Every single component is purposeful, and compliments the rest of the textures that share the canvas. I am a fan of the elaborate puzzle piece effect you are conveying by merging the two colours from different heights. I don't have anything negative to say, I think you delivered excellence this week. Welcome to Morocco, Daryl!

VXCKI: Vicky's critiques will be up shortly. . .

SNAWL: This outfit does an effective job at showcasing the contrast of these two colours. I like the idea of the blue slicing through the red. But that's where your success ends, unfortunately. To be frank, I've seen variations of this outfit time & time again, it's a really common concept. The whole "big jacket, no pants" aesthetic is nothing new, and you are doing nothing to elevate it. Limiting your canvas by excluding pants doesn't benefit you on a task where textures are top priority. All you did is make yourself go "Ok since I have no pants, I must cram as many textures as I can into the top half!" Another big flaw: I don't like how the red dominates the blue. If we look above at Daryl & Kaytie, they did well because both colours shared a relatively equal spotlight. This doesn't evoke a red+blue outfit, but instead, a red outfit being invaded by blue. I think you made a decent attempt, but the end product is pretty underwhelming. Sorry, Brian.

VXCKI: Vicky's critiques will be up shortly. . .

SNAWL: You came into this task with your mind set on a specific theme, which was extremely dangerous. However, the danger paid off, because this is your strongest performance without a doubt. I never would've guessed in a million years that the HC tutu would look so great with the kevlar vest and bulky belt, especially from the normal direction. But it all comes together immaculately - it fits so well, it looks like you designed the clothes yourself pixel by pixel. Your decision to use gray as the foundation and baby green as the secondary was daring for this task because of how much I emphasized the whole "equal spotlight" thing. However, it works for you because of how well put-together the outfit is. Not sure how I feel about the Frankenstein bolts, but they're tolerable from that direction. Lastly, your shoe choice is awe-inspiring. This is the exemplar of an ingenious show choice uplifting an entire outfit. You knocked this task out of the park, and I am thrilled with your level of creativity over these recent weeks. Fantastic job, Harri!

VXCKI: Vicky's critiques will be up shortly. . .

SNAWL: Uhmmm. . . Alan. . . that's the wrong shade of red. Seriously? I even gave you the coordinates for the colours. How do you still pick the wrong shade? Whatever. This outfit has too much texture going on, and it's all so harsh and overwhelming. You have some interesting texture happening around the belt region, but it's immediately drowned out by the excessive layering. And those earrings slapped on for more useless texture, I swear to God I'm about to ban those fucking earrings because they've ruined countless outfits this season. This outfit is just messy, and is easily the least cohesive of the 6 this week. You've been tailspinning out of control lately, and I keep giving you chance after chance to redeem yourself. I'm sorry Alan, but I think this is the end of the road for you.

VXCKI: Vicky's critiques will be up shortly. . .

Week 6 is finally over! Thank you guys for being understanding and having an abundance of patience for me while I sorted my crap out. I promise there will be no spontaneous delays like that for the remainder of this competition.

Harri, congratulations on snatching your first Best Photo. Daryl, bravo to you for doing well enough to land the Top 2. For our pre-Morocco elimination, we are saying goodbye to Alan.

I am both shocked & not shocked. Alan has proven himself to be a more-than-capable designer who can rumble with the big dogs. Unfortunately, he will not be joining us in Morocco.

Your first task in Morocco will be uploaded shortly. Good luck, final 5!

"I'm doing double eliminations to speed this fucking game up, and then I'm never hosting one ever again." - Snawl, Season 2

"This is definitely going to be the final SnawlTerm."

- Snawl, Season 3

"I want to quit while I'm ahead, ergo, this is my last season." - Snawl, Season 4

"I swear to fucking God I'm not hosting any more of these." - Snawl, Season 5

It looks like I don't learn from my mistakes.

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