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WEEK 1 - Veils on veils on veils


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For your first task of Season 6, you must design me an outfit utilizing the dreaded veil face accessory. You can colour it however you want and use additional head/face accessories, my only request is that you do not cover it up. Use the veil in a way that makes the outfit work off it- don't just slap it on a pre-made outfit, because I'll know.

I want a veil outfit that is unique, and not something I've seen before. This isn't CC or RPDR, and if any of you arrive to my set in a wedding gown, I'm eliminating you on the spot.

p.s. this is an example photo. Every week, I will provide one. Keep in mind that I tend to spend no less than 5 minutes designing these outfits. The outfits I provide are not examples of quality I want you to see; instead I want you to go above and beyond my examples. This outfit was made in less than 3 minutes. If you can't beat it, it'll translate to a rough week at panel for you.


Hello & welcome to your first panel of Season 6! I am so excited to kick this game off. Thanks to all 13 of you who worked hard this week designing your outfits. Not only were [most of] you on time, but the overall quality of these outfits are really impressive for Week 1. This is going to be a monumental season, and I am very privileged to have such a diversely talented cast. I look forward to seeing what each of you bring to the table throughout your individual stays in this competition.

As I'm sure most of you know, panel will feature weekly guest judges to join me in panel. For our first week, we are joined by the immensely talented ISSUS. Also, I want to inquire about some of you guys and your "model" requests. Some of you wanted to have permanent beards, or neon fancy hair to go with your outfits. I have decided to not allow that, because this is Project Runway, not RPDR. You guys knew when you were applying to this game, that you were applying to Project Runway. So for the sake of cleanliness and professionalism, no more beards and RPDR-esque neon hair wigs, please & thank you.

With all that said, it's time to judge some outfits! These outfits are in no special order.


SNAWL: This outfit is visually striking, and I am a lover of the warm, almost oil crayon-esque colour palette. You chose textures that are straight, clean, and cohesive, and I really appreciate how you left the skirt blank and didn't mar it with any garish belts. The nude shoes are perfect as well. But what I find most important is that you incorporated the veil directly into the outfit - the outfit would be incomplete without it. That is something I truly admire, seeing as a lot of people this week put it on the back burner. In reality, I'm struggling to fault this outfit. You stayed on track with the task and delivered a beautiful outfit, and I look forward to what you can do in future tasks. Great job, Cinthia.

ISSUS: This outfit gives me vibes of my own design technique, which you could assume would be a good thing right? Well it’s not. Comparing this directly to my own way of creating outfits I find myself picking this to pieces. The head is probably the best constructed out of all 12 contestants, but the rest of the outfit really lets this down, especially the way the brace clamps connect with the skirt. It’s just unsightly and could have been worked with a lot more thought. I would say that the colour pallete and the amazing headpiece save this from being a bad outfit, though.


SNAWL: Your colour palette is simple but intriguing, and the head accessories - albeit a bit clunky and concealing of the veil - immediately grab my attention. But as my eye travels down below the neck, I start to feel disappointed and underwhelmed. First off, I think you have an irrational dependency on that jacket; I see you use it constantly in shortterms. I really thought you would've went out of your comfort zone for this task. And the bottom half of this outfit is quite bland. If minimalism is what you were going for, I think there are several skirts that would've looked better. This is a decent outfit, but it's far too generic to be anywhere near the top this week. Please try harder in the future, I know you have greatness in you, I've seen it before.

ISSUS: I like this outfit. The headpiece is well thought out; that’s for sure, but i want to point out that you barely notice that a veil is even in this design. The layering is fairly well done, the top sleeves under the jacket needed to be removed though in my opinion, the gap there looks out of place. The colour pallete is the thing that really ties this together. The red and the blues throughout are stunning. I also love the glasses above the veil, though that could’ve been worked in a better colour combo. Overall though, great effort.


SNAWL: I love it when people derive inspiration from crazy things that aren't typically associated with fashion (ie the camera on your chest). However, I think you went a little too above-&-beyond with the details to the point where this outfit is in RPDR waters. You said it yourself, "To me, PR and RPDR are the same thing." Well Tiara, that's a mantra you need to drop if you want to continue having a future in this game. There will be upcoming tasks that call for extravagant, campy costumes, but this certainly wasn't one of them. I'm not a fan of your head accessories - it's a predictable combination, and they drown out the veil. Your actual details on the chest are really cool and interesting, and I actually enjoy that you left your legs bare. The overall palette does fall flat; the grey and purple become dull and boring very quickly. In summary: you tried extra hard to be extravagant, and ended up being completely forgettable. This wasn't a hit for me, sorry Tiara.

ISSUS: The head-to-toe of this at first glance is great in my opinion, if a little close to being a cc cyborg. The trouble lies in when you look a little closer and separate each section out. The veil is worked in very well, and the headpiece in general is a pass. The body is where we step down a peg. The camera is a great risk here and it pays off somewhat because it keeps you from looking at the problematic patterns surrounding it. The stars really do not belong here. A thematic take on the task, but I suggest keeping it away from the realms of cc next week.

SNAWL: This outfit has some pretty great inclusions that help it stand out; mainly the blue skirt and the cat face behind the scarf. Your overall colour palette is captivating, pristine and high-fashion, and is probably one of the strongests this week. But you come bearing two huge flaws. Firstly, that striped shirt + belt combo is soooo 2012. I must admit you've revived it well and are doing it justice, but it's still a combination I've seen one too many times. Secondly, those straps on the top of your head don't really harmonize with the veil, or really anything on your bodice. However, your veil definitely stands out as a key component in this outfit. I think you did a moderately well job this week, and I hope you can break free from the shackles of predictable combinations in future tasks. Thanks, Brian.

ISSUS: I can appreciate the effort you’ve made with the headpiece here. The items used; albeit slightly *go-to*, are really well put together. The same can be said for the rest of the outfit really, The Colour pallete is clean but the combination is very 3 years ago for me. To sum it up I would say that this is middle of the road; safe, but good safe.


SNAWL: I would never advise doing a sideways outfit as early as Week 1, but the fact that you attempted it speaks volumes of your courageousness. Your colour palette is phenomenal. It's edgy, it's contrasting, it's messy but also tied together. I just love how you left the veil blank and didn't hamper it with needless accessories. The scarf is paired perfectly with the rest of the outfit, and it all comes together to create this dripping paint effect. The purple on the shoes is beautiful, and it's even resuscitated briefly in the cavity near the lower arm. My only flaw I have with this outfit is the awkward silhouette on the bottom half. I think a box skirt and vanilla heels are a bit on the safe side, and they don't vibe off the top half as well as I'd like them to. Regardless, I think you excelled above & beyond this week. I feel like an asshole for rejecting you in Season 5, but at the same time, that time off had lead you to develop your skills even greater. Welcome to Season 6, Kaytie.

ISSUS: I’m going to be a real cow and say that this outfit is probably one of the best examples I have seen recently of the pose angle ruining an outfit. It looks as though you’ve designed an outfit in the same angle as everyone else and flipped it. The colour pallete leaves me in a good mood but the textures do not mesh well at all from this angle. I suggest going all out when making an outfit for a sideways pose, because this is just a missed opportunity to me.


SNAWL: I think you did a great job at playing with shapes and making your own little unique design on the upper bodice. It comes together as very chic and editorial - probably one of the most runway-ready outfits of the entire week. The use of the veil is really simple, but effective and communicated clearly. My only gripe with this outfit is the black. Had you used a more unconventional base colour (let's say, pink + red, or aqua + gold) this outfit would've stood out even better, because the black really isn't eye-grabbing at all, nor are you using it to dissolve any unwanted lines. Either way, you still did a really great job this week, and you should be proud of what you submitted.

ISSUS: I have very conflicted feelings about this outfit. The body pattern is extremely well planned out, getting that diagonal cut was very creative. My problem lies with the small details. Your veil details are so well hidden, and when you combine that with the colour you have it in and the contrast it has with the black, it just makes you look jaundice. Other details like the gloves and the shoes being the same colour are pretty much surplus to the outfit too. My verdict? It’s a creative outfit, but auditions for the Simpsons movie sequel are next month.



SNAWL: I can always count on you to experiment with fabrics and deliver something original. I really enjoy this outfit just for how straight-forward and editorial it is. The Amish ear covers with the veil are a stunning combination that only you seemed to have discovered (well Kaytie did too but she's sideways so who cares). I like that you took a sweater that already has intricate lines, and you developed them further with your own additions. However, I'm not a big fan of the black balls/spheres on the belt line, they do look out-of-place in comparison to the rest of the textures. Also I would've used a more plain, neutral skirt just so the outfit doesn't come off as ostentatious. But besides those minor flaws, I'm really happy that you chose to submit this outfit, because I admire your attention to detail. Nice work.

ISSUS: This outfit is a mixed bag of great and bad design choices. First off I want to say that I don’t dislike this outfit in the slightest. I just wish you would have executed it better. The decision to go black on yellow was a great one. Veil with the ear covers was another, even the hair choice plays into the construction of the headpiece. The black accents on the body though look rushed through, the skull looks slapped on. Overall this is a great outfit that got ruined by poor pattern planning. I give this a skull emoji out of ten.

SNAWL: You made your hair blue to compliment the veil. That might bite you in the ass in future tasks, but right now, it's working rather well. I am nonplussed at how well you handled this task. This outfit is very abstract and interesting- the apron is the obvious centerpiece, but it's then augmented by the subtle additions of the norm skirt and backpack straps. And much like Cinthia, you are using nude shoes brilliantly well to balance the harsh, vivacious colour palette. I know some people might take issue with the blue veil not matching the red on the apron, but I actually adore it for its bravery. You are relatively new on the PR scene, yet you design like you've been doing this for years. Really well done Alan, we're all impressed by you. 

ISSUS: This outfit is very well rounded to me, I like that you managed to take overused elements and combine them to make it look like a unique full body pattern. Yes you can tell that there is an apron incorporated here but it’s worked in a way that you almost don’t mind. The only real negative I have is the veil itself, the colour is way off -- giving me superman’s lesbian mom, fresh out of the closet. Overall though this is one of the best outfits this week for me.


SNAWL: WHOOSH! Did ya hear that? That's the sound of the task's guideline flying completely over your head. In other words, you didn't give me what I asked for. I wanted an outfit that showcased the veil in an enticing way. But let me tell you: there is nothing enticing about your use of the veil at all, and as a matter of fact, your outfit would actually be stronger without it. Blackness swallows up texture and should only be used when trying to conceal something. Your outfit itself is cool, it's not amazing. I do like the rainbow pattern in the middle. But everything else is being swallowed up by black, so there isn't much left to judge. If I give you an item that I want showcased, the last thing you should do is cover it with black and neglect to draw attention to it. This wasn't a good week for you, Harri. Also no, you can't have a beard in this competition. You applied to Snawlterm Project Runway, not Snawlterm's Next Drag Superstar. Sorry.

ISSUS: This outfit is definitely above par for this task. I love that you incorporated an ombre effect into the body of the outfit, even if the lightest yellow of it is surrounded by green and red it still works for me. Here on lay the negatives. Your veil --the point of this task-- is just slapped on without working it into a hat or combination of other accessories which makes it look like an afterthought. Great outfit, but poor task execution.



SNAWL: Okay. . . Everything below the neck is totally fine, but your head accessories are flat-out ugly. The blue has absolutely no relevance to the rest of the outfit, and it's not incorporated in an artsy way like Alan's. The eye patch and headband are a tiring combination, and the fact that you made them different colours just highlights why it was such a bad idea even more. As for the actual outfit, it's pretty good. A bit on the draggy side, but good. I enjoy the stripes, and I love the addition of a muted purple. You have some interesting textures with the backpack straps and the overcoat as well. If your head accessories weren't such a fucking boat wreck, then this could've potentially landed top 5. What a shame, live & learn I guess.

ISSUS: This… is a bit of a confusion inducing outfit if i’m honest. I see where you were going with some parts and then again with others, it just seems like where the ideas were going were in different directions. The veil colour is what REALLY makes this evident to me. if you were to have made it nude, or some other subtle colour this outfit would have worked. The headband and the eyepatch exacerbate this problem further. The body? Good, butterface though.


SNAWL: This outfit has no technical flaws, and I really enjoyed how you built more lines onto the jacket. So many people just slap it on and call it a day, but you utilized it to a fuller capacity. The bright yellow works wonders too. My gripe with this outfit is that it's rather safe and inoffensive, and frankly, I struggled to recall what you made this week because of how it's completely lacking any sort of wow factor that sets it apart from the rest. If your goal was to design something safe that'll skate you through to next week, then mission accomplished. But I've seen you work your magic in shortterms, and I genuinely think you can do a lot better than this. Thanks, Sonny.

ISSUS: I love a good safe choice. It’s week one and this look will sail you through easily. The construction in the body pleases me deeply, the way all of the lines meet up perfectly was a great move to include here. My gripe here is that there wasn’t really any need to go full black with this. You’re not covering up anything to make an illusion so you could have gone with a more impactful palette. Overall though this is a polished outfit and I commend you for that.


SNAWL: I'm sorry Swampy, but this outfit is just awful. I shouldn't even have to explain why this is bad, but it's my job so here I go: The pirate theme is completely ridiculous and serves no correlation to the task. The actual outfit is bland, drab and lacks detail to the point that even if this were a Cozzie Change, you'd still lose. The headpieces are abhorrent and tacky. Nothing about this outfit is anything remotely close to being fashion. You put in a good effort, but after today's panel, it appears that you've been *puts on sunglasses*. . . shipwrecked. YEAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!

ISSUS: Can I borrow that eyepatch? I think I lost an eye looking at this. You’re one of the only two people I was able to witness submitting their outfit. When you changed into THIS, I thought you were kidding. You’re great, but this is just not longterm material AT ALL. It’s barely even a project runway outfit.


SNAWL: I am fascinated by you this week. You were literally 6 MINUTES AWAY from being disqualified, but you logged on to deliver your outfit. Evidently you also delivered 12 body bags for your fellow competitors, because you absolutely massacred this week. This outfit is totally breathtaking. I am head-over-heels for the diversity of texture - how well the fur & feathers are vibing off each other in this. Then you encapsulated it all with a black outline. You toned it with grays, and the reprieves of yellow/gold cleanse the entire palette. But what's most fascinating by all of this: the veil is the star, and this outfit would not work without it. I am speechless. This is the strongest Week 1 submission I've ever seen in 6 seasons of hosting these. You have a bright future in this competition if you continue to deliver outfits of this caliber. P.s. I was going to tank your score for being a day late, but even if I did, you'd still reign supreme. Please be more mindful of the deadline. Just because you slayed this week doesn't mean I won't kick you out. 

ISSUS: The more I look at this the more i notice the detail you’ve put into this. Firstly, the veil, although not worked into a headpiece, still works with the pattern you’ve used in your top which is the best design idea i’ve seen from a designer this week. The muted palette with the black/grey and the pops of orange work here flawlessly in my opinion. The feathered skirt beneath the shirt just adds to the depth of detail you’re working with here. This is how you make a side-facing outfit and capitalize on the visual glitches that they entail. Great work, too bad you submitted late.

That's a wrap for Week 1! I can say with the upmost confidence that the quality of these outfits (for the most part) is stunning, and this is the strongest, most promising start to a Snawlterm. This competition is not going to be easy.

Alex, congratulations on snagging the first Best Photo of the season. Alan & Kaytie, hats off to the two of you for doing well enough to land in the top 3. For our first departure, we are saying goodbye to Josh (Swampyyyyy). While your time in this competition was short-lived, I urge you to get back on the grind and continue to hone in on your skills in shortterms. Thank you for gracing my longterm stage with your presence.

Task 2 will be uploaded in the next 24 hours. Congratulations final 12 for surviving your first panel, and good luck!

"I'm doing double eliminations to speed this fucking game up, and then I'm never hosting one ever again." - Snawl, Season 2

"This is definitely going to be the final SnawlTerm."

- Snawl, Season 3

"I want to quit while I'm ahead, ergo, this is my last season." - Snawl, Season 4

"I swear to fucking God I'm not hosting any more of these." - Snawl, Season 5

It looks like I don't learn from my mistakes.

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