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WEEK 10 - The Finale


"OMG Why is the panel swamp themed? There's no swamps in Morocco!"             Because fuck you, that's why.


Harri & Daryl! Congratulations on being the final 2 for Snawlterm Season 6! I'm sorry this page looks boring, I am in a rush to push this task out. I'll beauty it up in the future, I promise.

Just like last season, you guys will be going head-to-head in a 5-piece collection showdown.

There are NO RULES/THEMES to this finale, you guys can make a collection inspired by whatever the hell you want. But it goes without saying that the more original a concept is, the better. You're not going to win Season 6 by giving me a collection from a theme I've seen a dozen times, that I can promise you.

There are some mandatory posing restrictions for these collections. Here they are:

  • 2/5 outfits must be in the "normal" pose (facing side)

  • 2/5 outfits must be in the front-on pose (facing screen)

  • 1 outfit must be an abnormal pose. This can be anything like sideways, backwards, sitting, laying, etc...

That's it! The due date for these collections is Monday, August 13th. That's 2 whole weeks & some change.

Keep in mind that the sooner you two submit your collections, the sooner Arber will start his LT. No pressure :)

Good luck, my final two!



Season 6 has arrived to a closing! I am ever so proud and excited for the two of you - Harri & Daryl, for everything you have accomplished in this competition. As always, capping off a long-term is a bitter/sweet moment. I am relieved to put this competition behind us and move on to more important life endeavors, but I will truly miss critiquing the two of you.

Let's talk about the quality of the collections: Both of you did amazing. I'm not drumming it up for suspense, the two of you genuinely did great jobs. After you read the bottom critiques, the winning collection will be made obvious. However, the designer coming in 2nd put up a valiant fight. This was not a clean sweep by any stretch of the term. Both of you should walk away from this finale with your heads held high, because you've established yourselves as juggernauts of Habbo fashion.

With all the sentimental crap out of the way, it's time to draw a conclusion to Season 6 of Snawlterm. Whether or not I host another season is totally undecided, and only time will tell. I'm not making any hard promises, because they usually just come back to haunt me.

Daryl's Collection
Glitches & Vaporwave Inspired by Album Art

First Impression: Your theme was confusing when you said it, and to be honest, I would've liked it better if you were more specific. That being said, this collection is absolutely fantastic. There are so many areas amongst these outfits that evoke the glitch effect, and vaporwave is represented by the colours in what is arguably one of the most perfectly-balanced palettes in the history of collections on Habbo.

Far Left: This is a great establishing outfit (first looked at because it's far left). It summarizes all of the colours you touch with this collection. That scarf is underrated, and you are using it in a way that hammers home a rough, static-y effect. In terms of silhouettes, this is the least interesting of the five, but I'm glad you put it first because everything else is an improvement - It's like unpacking a present as my eye travels more right. Good start.

Middle Left: This outfit isn't simple enough to be considered minimalism, but it's really tame and refreshing. This collection needed at least one tame outfit, and you really conveyed it well here. I'm loving the contrast with the detailed top, and smooth textureless pants. The splotches of red are alluding to the pinpoints of red throughout the rest of the collection. Even the earrings - which I usually protest - are being used graciously. I have nothing bad to say regarding this outfit, I'm a happy camper.

Dead Centre: Really resounding, innovative use of the dinosaur costume top. I just LOVE it when designers take non-versatile costume pieces, and incorporate them into outfits. And what's more important is that you are using the sideways pose to its full potential, which was the whole reason why I made it mandatory to have one abnormal pose. The colours are plotted nicely and work well with the previous outfit. I really appreciate the white shoes, it indicates that you know how to tone an outfit properly and not overkill it with too much flashy colour. If I have one minor complaint: I would've preferred a different pant/skirt because the shape doesn't mesh too well with the dinosaur top. But besides that, really well done.

Middle Right: The silhouette for this outfit is beyond creative, and you really made me gain appreciation for both the HC backpiece, and the karate belt. I love how you added depth by toning the bright red with a slightly muted red. All of the textures going on around the waist are totally engrossing and fantastic. The only complaint I have (which is more of a curious statement than a complaint) is how this outfit doesn't feature gray, or a muted green like the rest do. You have white shoes, but besides that, everything is rather bright. I still love it, but it sticks out a bit.

Far Right: This is my favourite of the five, and the most perfect way to cap off this collection. It's not hard to see how you achieved the layers, but what makes them brilliant is how you stacked the softer colours on top, and put the blue underneath, which causes it to cut through. I think that's so great, because a lot of designers would just put brighter colours on the top. The texture of the jacket in harmony with the bow belt, ugh. So good. Really ingenious use of that direction.

Summary: Coming into this game, I didn't exactly have high expectations of you. You lost early in Vyia's Drag Race, and I've never really seen you play a shortterm. However, as soon as the game started, you quickly established yourself as a front-runner, and maintained that persona till the very end. With the exception of one week, you delivered excellence back-to-back. Every week, I waited in anticipation to receive your outfit. I'm half convinced you have Xenid or someone else designing for you, because it's so hard to fathom a 15-year-old being capable of such artistic talent, and to have a seemingly bottomless well of creativity. You have one of the best runs in any PR longterm, and you capped it off with a truly phenomenal collection. Even Corlay, who prides herself in being unphased by my contestants, said "Daryl's collection is one of the bests I've ever seen in any LT." You continuously set higher & higher standards for yourself and everyone else in this game, and you over-achieved them (nearly) every single time. I'm going to stop typing because any more praise will just become ego service. Thank you, Daryl. Thank you for choosing Snawlterm to broadcast your indisputable talents, and for trying your hardest in every week. 

Harri's Collection
Streetwear Minimalism

First Impression: I love your theme. and I am astounded by your bravery. Minimalism in a collection would be extremely difficult for any designer. It's never been done before in a collection, as far as I'm aware of. You didn't perform too well on Week 3's minimalism task, so I am really pleased to see you take another crack at the concept. Having all five outfits feature a different colour palette is also insanely risky, because it's so hard to maintain cohesion. However, I can look over this collection and say with confidence that I do see them vibing off each other.

Far Left: This is gorgeous, and cuts straight to the chase. This outfit encapsulates exactly what came to my mind when I first read the theme to your collection. You understand shapes and composition like an expert; if I didn't know, I'd assume Arber made this outfit because of how well-aligned and architectural it is. The splash of black around the neck is creative, and in my opinion, your best use of black on the five outfits. Totally gorgeous. If you submitted this on Week 3, it would be an absolute Top 3 contender, and possibly even the winner. Wonderful start, Harri. 

Middle Left: Just like the previous outfit, this one has an incredible cohesive relationship with the shapes you used. Having the black being in the center instead of pushed to the outside is really unexpected and satisfying. The rough coat really hammers home the "street" aspect. I do have a complaint, however: this outfit's entire silhouette is nothing spectacular, in fact I've seen countless variations of it. It carries its weight in this collection, but definitely holds you back in the creative department. I like the glasses, though. 

Dead Centre: This is easily my favourite outfit of the collection. It showcases the two words of the theme better than any of the other five. And on top of that, you are using the lying down pose to present a silhouette that is pretty much impossible to do in any other position. The simple, sleek jumper is so practical and street-oriented. Designing while lying down is usually a recipe for disaster because people overload it with detail. But you were smart enough to focus entirely on the silhouette, and what needed to be used to convey it. This outfit is an A+, stellar work!

Middle Right: This is the weakest of the five for me. It conveys the theme the least efficient. It's definitely not minimalism because you have a lot of texture on the jacket, and graphic detail on the top front. I also would've appreciated a lot less black. Black is a foundation tool, and when you use too much on a minimalism task, it just gives the impression of "Black covers texture, so if I use a lot, then it becomes minimalism... right?!" This collection has some fantastic outfits, but this ain't one of them.

Far Right: There are parts of this outfit that I like. Unfortunately however, this outfit suffers from the same flaw of excessive black as the previous outfit. Even if you simply used a plain shirt and deleted the chest icon, it would look better. The black "lifts" the palette in the first 3 outfits of this collection... but in the last two, it completely drowns it out. Credit where it's due, I adore this outfit from the rib cage, down. The decision to not use a belt was smart. A pretty good example of minimalism. 

Summary: No one with a brain could seriously challenge your passion, creativity, or resilience in this competition. You're the proud owner of many fantastic performances throughout these weeks. But what makes your journey so remarkable, is you pulling a comeback reminiscent of last season's Kait. As soon as we reached the final 6, you turned the dial way up, and haven't delivered a performance short of phenomenal since. I hope future LT contestants look to you as an inspiration that it IS possible to pick yourself up out of a rut and make it to the end. If you've read Daryl's critiques, then it has been made clear that he has won Season 6 of Snawlterm, and you have finished in 2nd place. I am more than happy to hand you the 100c consolation prize, because your level of growth in this season has been baffling and awe-inspiring. You are NOT the same designer from Season 5 - you are far more mature in not only style, but in terms of your creative approach to tasks. I eagerly hope to see you continue in shortterms.  Very well done, Harri,

"I'm doing double eliminations to speed this fucking game up, and then I'm never hosting one ever again." - Snawl, Season 2

"This is definitely going to be the final SnawlTerm."

- Snawl, Season 3

"I want to quit while I'm ahead, ergo, this is my last season." - Snawl, Season 4

"I swear to fucking God I'm not hosting any more of these." - Snawl, Season 5

It looks like I don't learn from my mistakes.

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