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WEEK 7 - Welcome To Arabia!


- OF THE - 

Welcome to Task #7! This is a couture photoshoot task in the Moroccan desert.

For your task, you must design a HEAVILY-LAYERED outfit for the photoshoot.

I want to see intense, impractical overlayering! Layers on layers! You must also feature a contrasting colour palette (using dark, muted colours accompanied by at least one bright colour, like the blue in my example photo). It goes without saying that I'd like to see some Moroccan/Arabian influence in the outfit as well.

To recap, I want:

  • Extremely heavily layers

  • Moroccan cultural influence

  • A muted colour palette accompanied by a splash of colour

Pretty straight-forward task, little margin for error. The due date for this task is Monday, July the 2nd. Good luck final five!


Hello hello, final five! I hope you're all enjoying your time in this marvelous city of Casablanca, Morocco! This week was undoubtedly a challenge for most of you, but t'was a challenge that paid off. The average outfit score has been the highest of the entire game. 3/5 of you delivered your strongest performances, and I am beyond satisfied and impressed. It seems like receiving your black jackets served as an efficient motivator. Clearly I ended up with the right 5 designers.

Each one of you has endured your own unique journey to get to the final 5. Some of you flew in with persistent top placings, some of you just slid in by the skin of your teeth, and everything in between. However, none of that matters, because as you should know, I don't take history into account. The final 5 is a special time in the competition because the stakes are so high, anyone can go home at any time. Each of you have earned your right to be in Morocco, but now you have to fight hard to remain here.

I managed to smuggle Corlay in the cargo hold of our plane, so she's in the guest judge seat this week. 


SNAWL: This is gorgeous, Zechariah. Definitely your strongest performance in this competition. You have a convenient habit of delivering excellence right after an underwhelming week previously. I only have one flaw with this outfit: I'm not a fan of how you used the same top I did in my example photo, in roughly the same style. However, this outfit is MUCH better than my crummy example. You blew me out of the water, no question about it. The creme & light browns work in such cohesive friendship with the bright pink, it's really quite picturesque and breath-taking. I do see a Muslim influence in this outfit, but this is also the most "westernized" and editorial outfit of the week. The bare legs are striking, the black shoes just top it off immaculately. This might actually be the best shoe pairing of the entire season - it's so simple - black heels, but it's done with such gusto. This is beyond excellent, great job. 

CORLAY: I’m very impressed with this. It’s amazing to me how you incorporated so many layering aspects to create this bulky design. The proportions are demonstrated flawlessly through your use of layers and colour. I enjoy the contrast between the muddled browns and softer shades, especially in the sleeves. Overall I think you pushed your limits this week and the result is gorgeous. I’m so glad you didn’t submit your first design.



SNAWL: I think this is the safest outfit of the five, and that's not a good thing. It's basically another way of saying least interesting, or least memorable. The decision to go monotone with the brown was brazen, but it didn't pay off in your favour. Bright red was a very peculiar pairing, and I don't think I like it. One aspect of the task you nailed was the excessive over-layers, however, your layering seems very generic. I don't see much relevance between the textures, most notably the jacket + gown. They just clash for me. The middle section of your chest is filled with typical textures I've seen over & over; it really looks like you were just filling space in any way you could. One thing I DO love... is the makeup. That was a really cool idea, and it really helps hammer home an Arab aesthetic. Unfortunately, it's not enough to lift this outfit out of the realm of being dull. I could maybe see you getting away with submitting this outfit if it were the beginning of the competition with 12+ people still in play, but we're in Morocco at the final five. You simply failed to stand out, Brian. I'm sorry.

CORLAY: This is clichéd for me; though you embodied the task. It was the expected route. The muted palette though palpable was very obvious and I wish you had gone in a different direction. The orange however is praiseworthy; it works with the aesthetic of the design and ties it together. Though this isn’t your best, it certainly isn’t your worst. I think it pales in comparison this week. Thanks.


SNAWL: Remember last week when I said you delivered your best outfit in the competition? Well, disregard that comment, because this is your best outfit to date. First and foremost, you blew my mind with your unconventional use of the kimono top, and how you utilized the hidden sleeve feature by the type of dance you chose. For a moment, I had thought a new top was released that I was unaware of - Corlay had to point out to me that it was the kimono top. I love how you have roughly the same muted palette as Zechariah, yet your "splash of colour" is much more tame and mellow. Your facial accessories/fabrics are jumbled in a great way, they really embrace the over-layered aspect of this task. Keeping the bottom half barren and simple is so beautiful and well balanced. You may not've won this task, but you fucking killed it nonetheless, and you should be extremely proud of yourself and the level of growth you've shown over these past three weeks. 

CORLAY: This is my favourite design this week. You played with movement which is something I strongly encourage. The use of movement transforms a design. Your ability to push boundaries and stretch the limitations is something I’ve tried to do since I started designing on Habbo. I admire it. The colours though muted still hold a lot of prowess, especially with the use of blues and the faint hint of purple. This is your best design to date. Very good.


SNAWL: Your outfit is visually striking, and immediately jumps out at the viewer. Your entire bottom half is phenomenal; the way the cape envelopes the skirt, the intricate levels of texture, and that glistening shoe colour referencing the belt. I have to admit bias, because orange + blue has always been one of my favourite colour combos, and you really utilized it to its fullest potential. However, this outfit does run into some problems. I feel like the top half doesn't convey a strong sense of over-layering, especially given the bare arms. Also, Arab influence was a key factor in this task, and while I do see it, I also think this outfit can easily pass as Native American couture. Despite those issues, you still delivered a captivating piece of art. The fact that your fellow competitors were more successful with the over-layering is going to sink your rank low on the progress page, but you should still be proud of what you submitted, because it's bloody beautiful. Thanks, Kaytie.

CORLAY: The textures and colours you used this week are quite gorgeous. I think had you used a different accessory around your neck this would have complimented the bottom half of the design more harmoniously; they seem disjointed.  I especially enjoy the use of burnt ochre and how you created a whole character this week. Overall I’m intrigued in the way you texturized and layered this design, you know how to work a colour palette in every single aspect. Just ironing out the finer details in relation to the juxtaposition of your design. Thanks.

SNAWL: Boom, now THIS is over-layering! Taking the kimono top (something that is already complicated and bulky) and slapping more layers on it, and commemorating the swift texture with the backpack straps. This outfit is so technically proficient- so meticulously crafted, it just sings to me. Your gold + blue colour combo is pleasant, and I really love how you continued to pay homage to the coloured scheme on the kimono with the belt and earrings. Just like Harri, you feature the genius idea of leaving the bottom large and blank for the sake of contrast. One thing I find really special about this outfit, is that you're not decked out with too many head accessories. You left your face alone and let your clothes & colours convey Morocco, and you did it better than anyone else this week. This is your best performance in this game, and that is a humongous statement to make, given your wealth of Top 2 placements. It might even end up being the best outfit of the season, if no one can top it moving forward. Extraordinary work, Daryl!

CORLAY: I love the palette and overall composition this week. You dissected this task and reconstructed it beautifully in terms of quality of design. The teal and gold is stunning and it instantly draws my attention. The hefty top could have been preventable; I think that might have set you back in my opinion. The black outline though it’s bound to happen with those fabrics, I think if you used something else it would have made that aspect more pleasing. Overall a great week for you, well done.

Week 7 is finished, and I am gobsmacked at the quality of these outfits. Seriously guys, well done. If this is a sign of things to come moving forward, I am stoked. For the love of God, please maintain this level of creativity.

Daryl, congratulations on your second much-deserved Best Photo. Zechariah, & Harri, hats off to the two of you who also delivered your strongest performances in this game. You three along with Kaytie are advancing to the Final 4, and your next task is uploaded. Good luck!

The designer leaving us in 5th place is Brian. Seeing as this is the final 5 in Morocco, I'm going to start doing elaborate farewells for the eliminated contestants, because you're all worth it.

Brian... I don't think there's a PR host in existence who can ever be as hard on you, as you are on yourself. That might sound jaded, but I consider it to be quite admirable. You are passionate about what you do, and I don't doubt that this elimination is going to be a frustrating pill to swallow. But I want you to understand that there is NO SHAME in taking 5th place. You were simply out-performed by 4 designers who have much more practice & experience with modern Habbo fashion.

You've expressed interest in wanting to "get back into the groove" of PR, and I sincerely hope you pursue it. You absorb criticism like a fucking sponge, and you actually apply it, which is more than I can say for numerous other stubborn designers out there. You are intuitive, and when intuition is combined with dedication and passion, it becomes unstoppable. Not only do I want to see you partake in more games, but I want to see you go back to hosting PR. You have a natural eye for what is/isn't good, and with enough effort, I think you can surpass me in terms of skill & reputation very quickly.

Now, I must collect your black jacket. Thank you so much for choosing SnawlTerm Season 6 to make your comeback debut. I hope you had as much fun designing, as I did judging you & watching you grow. I will have my eye out for you in future fashion competitions, LT & short.

Farewell, Riggit.

"I'm doing double eliminations to speed this fucking game up, and then I'm never hosting one ever again." - Snawl, Season 2

"This is definitely going to be the final SnawlTerm."

- Snawl, Season 3

"I want to quit while I'm ahead, ergo, this is my last season." - Snawl, Season 4

"I swear to fucking God I'm not hosting any more of these." - Snawl, Season 5

It looks like I don't learn from my mistakes.

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